Sunday, July 21, 2013

Mining in Odyssey, part 3: What mine?

By miner's resources is accepted to all the resources that are extracted
a) With the active participation of the Player
b) Do not have an element of randomness in production.
This is ore, ice and gas. Let us consider each of them separately


There are 16 types of ore, from which we can produce 8 kinds of different minerals. Mercoxit will be considered separately, and all the rest - are described below.

Conventionally, all the ore can be divided into "high-sec ores" (found in asteroid belts almost everywhere), "low-ses ores" (found in asteroid belts in low-sec and nulls), and "null-sec ores" - is found in asteroid belts in nulls.

High-sec ores

  • Veldspar - the most common ore, is found almost everywhere. Until recently, served as the main source of mineral Tritanium, causing quite enjoyed great popularity (tritanium always in demand). In the "Odyssey" tritanium added to most of the "null-sec" ores, but veldspar and remains the richest tritanium ore. In addition to the Veldspar, there are two types of ore: Concentrated Veldspar contains 5% more minerals and Dense Veldspar - 10% more minerals. Such enriched with 5% to 10% of options exist for all types of ores.
  • Scordite - occurs almost as often as Veldspar, and ore is the most mineral-rich Pyerite, and quite rich tritanium. Because of that at one time was the best ore, even more beneficial than many "null-sec" ones (now surrendered their positions). Enriched options - Condensed Scordite (+5%) and Massive Scordite (+10%)
  • Pyroxeres - This and subsequent ore does not occur in systems with SS higher 0.8. Related to this is one nuance regarding the mechanics of the game: in systems with SS 0.9 and 1.0 in the asteroid belts are not hostile NPC, respectively, it is possible not to take care of protection against them. In systems with lower SS you need to think about some mechanisms of protection: of course, NPC in high-sec are very weak, however, if you leave, for example, Venture unattended and without protection - they will disassemble it successfully. Pyroxeres - the only one of high-sec ores containing mineral Nocxium, also contains Tritanium, Pyerite and Mexallon. Enriched versions - Solid Pyroxeres (+5%) and Viscous Pyroxeres (+10%)

High-sec ores

  • Plagioclase - the richest ore that contains Mexallon. Also quite rich mineral Pyerite (is in second place after Scordit by the content of this mineral), and contains little Tritanium. Species: Azure Plagioclase (+5%) and Rich Plagioclase (+10%)
  • Kernite common in high-sec asteroid belts only in Amarr (and even then, only in systems with SS 0.7 and below), in other high-secs it can only be found in gravics. He isn’t a leader by the content of something, but it is very rich by Mexallon and Isogen. Variants are Luminous Kernite (+5%) and Fiery Kernite (+10%)
  • Omber - ore, which contains most of Isogen, also contains some tritanium and pyerite. In high-sec it can be found: in the asteroid belt systems SS 0.5 .. 0.7 in Gallente, Matarr space and in gravics. Options - Silvery Omber (+5%) and Golden Omber (+10%)


Low-sec ores

  • Hemorphite. If you want, you can found Hemorphite and other low-sec ore in high-sec (it occurs in the gravity anomalies), but in the asteroid belt they can be seen only in low-sec (in systems with SS 0.2 and below), and nulls. This ore is Interesting in that it contains at least a little bit, but almost all minerals (lacking only megaсyte and morphite). At the time of writing guide, was one of the most expensive ores. Options - Vivid Hemorphite (+5%) and Radiant Hemorphite (+10%)
  • Hedbergite - similar to the previous ore but is slightly different in composition (no Tritanium and Mexallon, but it contains much more Isogen). Pretty funny moment: in low-sec asteroid belts meets or Hemorphite or Hedbergite, you don't meet them in one low-sec system (only in nulls). Options: Vitric Hedbergite (+5%) and Glazed Hedbergite (+10%). At the time of writing guide - this ore is the most profitable to mine . Generally - low-sec ore is always quite expensive - in sufficient quantities, they are found only in low-sec space and dig it quite difficult (much more difficult than in some kind of deep null space)
  • Jaspet - as two previous lousechnye ore is processed into a bunch of minerals (no Isogen, Megacyte and Morphite). Contains many Nocxium. Options: Pure Jaspet (+5%) and Pristine Jaspet (+10%).


  • Dark Ochre - contains many Zydrine and Tritanium (added in the Odyssey), a little Nocxium. Options: Onyx Ochre (+5%) and Obsidian Ochre (+10%)
  • Gneiss - ore rich in Mexallon (in the drone regions - the main source of this mineral) also contains Tritanium, Isogen and Zydrine. Options: Irisdescent Gneiss (+5%) and Prismatic Gneiss (+10%)
  • Spodumain - before "The Odyssey" it was almost officially "the most depressing and cheap ore in the game". However, in the Odyssey, there were added minerals, and now this ore contains a lot Tritanium and quite a few Pyerite - minerals, which always lacked in the nulls. Well, a little Megacyte, per supplement. You've got to make a small digression: Veldspar and Scordite, of course, are very rich tritanium and pyerite, respectively, but they simply are not enough in nulls.
    And who wants to dig cheap veldspar, when nearby asteroids hang with noticeably more expensive ores. Finally, the last point in favor of spodumain - the volume of ore.  You can nibble average spodumain asteroid a couple of hours at a time, as asteroids veldspara, even large, sufficient for 15-20 minutes. It occurs at the zeros and gravics lousekov / WH. Species: Bright Spodumain (+5%) and Gleaming Spodumain (+10%)
  • Crokite, like the previous ore, can be found in asteroid belts of null-secs and in gravics of low-sec and WH ( in WH and gravics in general can be caught anything). Very rich in mineral Zydrine, also contains some Nocxium and a decent amount of Tritanium. Species: Sharp Crokite (+5%) and Crystalline Crokite (+10%)
  • Bistot. This is a purely nullsec ore, it’s impossible to see Bistot in lowsec . When refining, it turns out quite a lot of Megacyte and Zydrine, as well as a number of mineral Pyerite (from nulls ore Bistot - the richest in this mineral ore). Varieties: Triclinic Bistot (+5%) and Monolinic Bistot (+10%)
  • Arconor. As Bistot, this ore is found only in the nulls. To see it in the asteroid belt, you need to fly in from the SS lower than -0.5, in gravics it can be found in any system with CC below 0.0. However, there is one small exception: a small asteroid of Arkonor hanging on one of the missions that give even in highsec. Contains most of all mineral ores Megacyte also quite rich mineral Zydrine, and contains some mineral Tritanium. Species: Crimson Arkonor (+5%) and Prime Arkonor (+10%)
  • Mercoxit. A specific type of ore, which is found only in the deep nulls and wormholes. Only it contains mineral Morphite. Differs from other ores is that it can't be mined by conventional lasers miners, only by  "laser deep drilling", which require the appropriate skill (Deep core mining). In addition, during the mining merkoxit could explode, dealing damage to all that is nearby. Therefore, when there is insufficient skills merkoxit is better to mine  in the greatest possible distance from it. Merkoxit mining  by character with weak skills get you very little profit. T1 versions of Deep Core Strip laser do not exist, and the T2 version required for normal T2 crystals on merkoxit. Just as all other ores has two enriched version: Magma Mercoxit (+5%) and Vitreous Mercoxit (+10%).


Rather specific resource: one piece of ice is 1000 m 3, and does not occur on all systems. Until recently, the production of ice was very bored: ice asteroids fundamentally not ended, so production looked like this: "arrived, turned on the strips, looked half-hour film, flew to the station to unload." The latest update ("Odyssey") ice belt was removed from the game, and now they can be found only in the ice gravics, and then, if the other players do not dig the ice all up to you.

For the ice mining is necessary to study the appropriate skill (Ice Harvesting) and install the module in your ship "Ice Harvester". A small nuance associated with this module is that it can be fitted only on mining barges and exhumers. This means that on other ships to dig the ice will not work (as opposed to ore and gas, which you can dig on anything, even if it is noticeably slower than on specialized ships).

There are eight types of ice, which can be refined to the seven types of resources: heavy water, liquid ozone, strontium, and four kinds of isotopes (each isotope is "tied" to a particular race. Example, Amarr supercaps consume Helium Isotopes, and Gallente - Oxygen Isotopes). For "Isotope" types of ice exist rich varieties of ice.

  • Blue Ice (enriched version - Thick Blue Ice) - a source of Oxygen Isotopes (consumed Gallente capital / supercapitals), respectively, in the empire it is located in the "Gallente" sector. By popularity Gallente capital and supercapitals - in great demand in the market. In addition - due to its popularity it is most prone to all sorts of speculations. In addition to the isotopes, also contains some Heavy Water and Liquid Ozone (in principle - the composition of "isotope" of ice is the same: the appropriate isotope and a little Heavy Water and Liquid Ozone)
  • Clear Icile (enriched version - Enriched Clear Icile) - the source of Helium Isotopes (consumed Amarr capitals), is located in the sector of the Amarr Empire.
  • Glacial Mass (Smooth Glacial Mass) - the source of Hydrogen Isotopes, (matarr ships, matarr republic)
  • White Glaze (Pristine White Glaze) - the source of Nitrogen Isotopes - (caldari ships, caldari state).

The remaining four species of ice are isotopes free, but very rich in the remaining three ice resources: Heavy Water, Liquid Ozone and Strontium. In the empire did not occur, only in nulls. Usually these types of ice are more expensive than the isotopic species.

  • Dark Glitter - at the time of writing guide, is the most expensive form of ice (about twice as much ice isotope). Most rich in Liquid Ozone, also contains quite a lot of Heavy Water and a little Strontium.
  • Glare Crust is similar to the Dark Glitter, but richer in Heavy Water, and contains less Liquid Ozone and Strontium.
  • Krystallos - a leader in content Strontium, also contains quite a lot of Heavy Water and Liquid Ozone.
  • Gelidus - middling, not a leader on the content of something, but rich enough all three resources. At the time of writing guide - the cheapest of null ices.

Gas & Fullerens

From the point of view of the miner's almost the same thing, but there are differences.

Gas is used for the production of boosters. Mined only in signatures – it mean you should be able to scan them. The most expensive gas is mined in nulls, less expensive in lowsec and sometimes can occur in highsec. For the extraction you need special equipment and skills. For fullerenes the same skills and equipment is required. But they are necessary for the production of polymers and harvested only in WH.


So far in the Market can be found alloys - the remnants of the former drone regions luxury. They, too, were a kind of resources: extracted from the remains of destroyed NPC in the drone regions, and then can be reprocessed to minerals.  Then profession miner seemed mockery:  any two-week Drake could shoot for an hour to get more minerals than perfect miner per hour digging. After the next update, all alloys were removed from the NPC, and mining became relevant again.

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